this was a surprise gig, even for us... we were asked about a week beforehand if we could do it. it worked perfectly, just at the start of the tour - and a favorite venue of mine, so at about 17h, we all met up to start my solo tour together - fabrice, remy, augustin and i set out our gear on the rug - our effects collections are growing and the rug flashed like an arabian fairytale christmas. thomas set up mic stands around us, all of us working in relitave silence - i like setup - its very zen!
the soundcheck was very quick - thomas got a great sound, and quick! we all went upstairs, then where xavier and julie prepared us dinner. it was lovely sitting down to dinner among friends before embarking on my first tour in nearly 10 years.
the set was great, we all had a great time and the venue was packed - after the show, we stayed around and celebrated life together - more and more babies among my friends... we're growing up - good times!
augustin gave me a lift home and i was in my bed dreaming about the adventure to come at a reasonable tour hour! the next few days will be spent choosing effects and implements of noise-making to bring on tour and seeing what clothes i can fit around them!
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