Thursday 7 April 2011

sans souci launch

i'm filled with pride and sadness.

pride for the work we have accomplished together and sadness for the fact that it is for only us, a small group of friends to enjoy, when i would like to share it with so many more.

it is for this reason that, today, we launch the live and sans souci album into the hands of those friends, with the hope that they will pass it on to their friends, and their friends to theirs, and so on... the construction and excecution of this project is filled with an ever growing love and laughter, and i hope to be able to share this with even more honest souls.

certain parts of it we can share for free: - for videos, songs to listen to and other information
- for tourdates and contact
- for my musings and ideas

other parts of the project cost us and, because we want to be able to afford to continue to play music, we appreciate your support in buying what you enjoy.
the album is currently available with cdbaby, and will shortly be available through bandcamp and other platforms, such as amazon and itunes.

i am proud of the music, the vibe, the work we are putting into it all and the body of work we are creating together. this weekend has been a particularly heart-warming expierence.

on thursday evening, ben and anna arrived in bruxelles and we went to the opening of the first of the tonton racleurs exhibitions for their summer residency in the recyclart. there, for the first time, we presented nico's handprinted album sleeves.

on saturday, ben, anna, wallis and sarah prepared dinner for 15, while the rest of us set up the venue for the gig, we all sat out in the garden until 21h30, in the first of this years summer evenings eating, drinking and being merry. we, the band were on the stage before the audience arrived, and we began playing, simon, fabrice and i at first, just jamming, like we so often do at rehearsals, the others joined in after. when everyone had settled we began the gig and it was lovely to share the launch of this album, recorded in this special room, with our friends who live here, and our friends who frequent!

after the gig had ended, the evening turned into a giant jam in the veranda as a deafening thunder and lightning storm circled around us and we passed the guitar back and forth - it was a magical moment and i am lucky to count so much talent amongst my friends :)

the sunday, i got up for the market and laid out breakfast in the sun on the terrace - we lazed away several hours before debarking for de musica in louvain-la-neuve, where we did a special performance, filmed by our friend, kevin... simon, fabrice, wallis, anna, augi, ben, remy, francois and i, sat in a circle in the middle of the shop, arranging, performing and filming each others songs! wallis arrived with a magnum of chimay blue, bruno and dido, with a spread of food fit for the roman gods,... it was another magical evening...

the monday, we wandered the city in the sun, and as the guys settled into their tourism, i skipped off to watch a play that i had helped my friend aline write for her class of 6 year olds - again, magical!!!

then when wallis and sarah left (in true indiana jones style), ben and anna prepared a dinner for simon, naima, antoine and i - a nice calm evening in the middle of the mad week.

this evening, we are preparing for the public and official launch of our album. we are celebrating with champagne (kind of) and dinner, prepared by the promoter, xavier's mum, in the backstage of the atelier 210, where we are about to go on stage and perform... please raise a glass with us to the birth of aidan & the italian weather ladies new album, 'live and sans souci' :D

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