Tuesday, 19 June 2012

livingroom concert video: believe by aidan

livingroom concert video: believe by aidan
live at darmstadt, 22nd november 2011
captured by bedroomdisco.de

last summer, i came across the living room concert concept when i received an odd email from my friend elvy, advising me that he was doing a show in bruxelles but he couldn't tell me where! it had been some years since i had seen him perform so, even though i wasn't sure if i would make the show, i signed myself up as an audience member... i did make the show (nearly a half hour late!), and it was the lovliest and most intimate show i had been to in ages - about 30 or 40 people sitting around in a gentleman named frederick's home. frederick opens his doors to strangers for the love of music - the same spirit that i imagine public houses to have been conducted in, before 1869, and the way i wish people were still free to act now.

it was for this reason that, last november, when we were booking some shows, we tracked down some of these unique venues: home concert in bruxelles, where i saw elvy, and where i hope to play during the soon-to-be-announced september 2012 tour with ben kritikos; motoki wohnzimmer in köln, who are so successful that they rarely get around to emails; bedroom disco in darmstadt, who organised for charlie barnes and i to put on a show in a student-appartement kitchen last november; ...

this show was a very special show... again, 30 or 40 people, almost sitting on top of each other... full of energy and involved - you had to be - it was a kitchen with 40 people rammed into it! at the start of the evening, we all grabbed a cushion and had a great feed, before charlie opened the show. he played a great set, with his off-the-wall live sampling and effects... this was the 3rd and last show that charlie and i were doing together, after this show, he was returning home to leeds, and i was continuing the tour on my own - it couldn't have been a more perfect final evening - dominik looked after us so well and put us up in his home when the time came to find a pillow to fall on... i can best describe my show by sending you to the video that was filmed there by jochen and dorota:

this is where music lives :)
